Flashback Moments

for violin, erhu (or viola/violin), cello, and piano (2018) - ca. 12’

for Violin, Erhu (or Viola/Violin), Cello, and Piano
PDF score & parts


Flashback Moments consists of five short pieces. While each piece has a distinct character and emphasis, the pieces are all interconnected and trace back to the first piece. flashback moments was commissioned by New Asia Chamber Music Society with a generous support from Amerasia Bank & Dan Neal. It is dedicated to NACMS and received its premiere performance on May 13, 2018

<如絮的回憶> 是為小提琴、二胡、大提琴及鋼琴所寫的曲子,全曲有五個小樂段,雖然每一個小段都各自獨立有自己的特色,卻又彼此環環相扣、互相牽引,且同為第一個樂段的延伸。這首為 New Asia Chamber Music Society 而創作的委託曲, 對我來說,最有趣的是如何在中西兩種樂器、語法中游離,並使音樂自然而生動。 雖然曲子抽象,但音樂常常喚起聽眾對畫面及意境的聯想、回憶。