Kimchi, Pickles and Wine

The bubble and fizz of fermented foods can be found in cultures throughout the globe, and the variety of fermented foods is vast, from sour Ethiopian injera and sweet Mexican tejuino to Taiwan’s lip-puckering pickles, Korea’s fiery kimchi, Japan’s earthy natto, and a world of heady wines and cheeses. What these culinary treasures share is a history of slow, patient nurturing and a solidifying of cultural identity among their enthusiasts. 

Traditionally, fermenting kept food 'alive', transforming perishable foods into the new and wonderful: Kimchi, pickles, wine! The techniques are slow; immortality takes time. New food technology allows us to accelerate the rhythm of food production and the shelf-life of foods, but the resulting “fast foods” are lacking. Fermenting foods was like a pact we made with the microorganisms we need to survive, but in our fast-food culture, this pact is dishonored as we ingest ultra processed foods that fail to nourish our microbiota as well as our souls.  

This evening-long theatrical work will consist of three parts: Several musician/audience interactive stations exploring the magical sounds of fermentation; a sit -down show combining electronics/video of fermentation from different cultures with live musicians, including an actor/chef demonstrating and narrating; a delicious post-concert tasting event featuring different fermented foods and drinks to complete the full audience experience.    

Combining the best of what life has to offer– food, drink, and music– this comical work reaches out to a broad audience–everyone who eats, and everyone, in all cultures, who by different ways and means works with the microbes that benefit our bodies and remind us of our roots. 

為了讓食物保持「活力」,傳統的做法是將食物發酵。發酵需要時間的醞釀,過程緩慢,只能耐心的等待;等待它自然形成氣泡終至歸零;聆聽氣泡形成與歸零的嘶嘶聲,此起彼落終至靜止,當一切歸於平和,易腐爛的食物於是有了新生命且可口。從伊索比亞酸酸的麵包、墨西哥甜又苦澀的玉米飲料,到台灣的臭豆腐、韓國的辣泡菜、日本的樸實納豆,以及令人陶醉的各種起司及美酒, 這些經由發酵的食品令人垂延!


這場音樂會把我們生活中最享受的的東西—— 食物、 美酒和音樂結合在一起。這是個輕鬆又有趣的議題,能吸引了廣泛的觀眾,包括所有愛吃,以及各種對美食有敏感度的觀眾,它提醒我們一起欣賞各種對身體有益的發酵食物以及對自我文化認同。



一場結合音樂家、電子音樂、演員/廚師解說不同發酵文化的  (坐下來的音樂會)
