Perpetual Movable Games 敕桃

ca. 11’

PDF score & parts


perpetual movable games 敕桃 is a theatrical ensemble work which uses the instrumentation of the Baroque trio sonata (flute, oboe, cello, and harpsichord). Although the work is loosely based on the Taiwanese nanguan music tune,"Withholding the Umbrella", the central idea, more importantly, focuses on the essence of nanguan, “games, having fun.” While the harpsichord player and cellist are in fixed positions, the other two instrumentalists often move around, creating dialogues and exploring the spatial relationship among the players. Over time, in addition to material continually returning, a variety of sub-ensembles (duet, trio and quartet) are formed. To enhance the drama, the players also vocalize simple words like “ have fun” (Ti-tou in Taiwanese), adding dialogues and playing games during the performance. This work may be paired with a Baroque trio sonata on the same program. I find programming that combines aspects of traditional and new music from West and East innovative and adventurous.

perpetual movable games 敕桃, written for the Loop 38 (Houston) and the Barock-Ensemble Taipei, received partial funding from the Houston Arts Alliance and the National Cultural and Arts Foundation (Taiwan).

<敕桃是為巴洛克三重奏鳴曲配器長笛、双簧管、大提琴跟大鍵琴所譜的曲。這首曲子的音樂素材雖然與南管戲 <留傘有關,但表現重點在於呈現南管的精隨 ──── 敕桃。此曲藉由兩個「不動」的樂器(大鍵琴、大提琴)與其他兩個「流動」的樂器(長笛、雙簧管)彼此持續對話,產生各種不同的組合、層次,並帶動一系列戲劇性及流動空間表演。除此以外,音樂家除了樂器的演奏之外,還不時的用台語喊出敕桃及其他嬉戲的詞語與游戲,營造出「 敕桃」的情趣。

本曲可以與西洋巴洛克樂曲配合演出,如此跨時代、異風格的節目,就像「敕桃」──── 有趣又令人興奮!

<敕桃是為Loop 38 (休士頓) 及曉韵古樂團 (台北) 所寫的,並獲得Houston Arts Alliance 及台灣國藝會的補助。