sisila ila ila; saying goodbye

for viola and recording (2022), ca. 8’

for Viola and Recording
PDF score


Scored for viola and recording, sisila ila ila brings together three kinds of singing: The singing of whales, the singing of the Taiwanese SaySiyat Indigenous people and singing of the viola, so reminiscent of the human voice. In order to bring the singing of the SaySiyat vocalist ’iban a’iti to life on the stage, this piece uses his original, recorded material from 1966. In the beginning of the piece, the viola presents a newly-composed whale-song passage, culminating in a dialogue with ’iban a’itih's distinctive and powerful voice. Sung in a simple and repetitive phrase structure, the melody is echoed, imitated and elaborated upon by the viola, creating a contrapuntal texture, and resulting in a rich sound world.

sisila ila ila, saying goodbye brings echoes of the SaySiyat people’s song, preserved in the Ostasien-Institute, and the rise of whale-preservation efforts, both transpiring in 1966, to modern ears. It suggests hopes and possibilities. The merging of and conversation between the voice of sea creatures, the old song from an Eastern Indigenous people, and the Western voice of the viola is a beautiful interaction among disparate worlds. 

sisila ila ila (別離之歌) 是為中提琴及原唱錄音帶而寫,它連結了三種歌聲 —— 鯨魚、賽夏族人及據有人聲特質的中提琴歌聲。其中,賽夏族人的歌聲特別採用了1966年賽夏族歌手朱義貴所唱的原聲帶,我認為這是使聽眾聽到朱義貴雄厚獨特歌聲的最好方式。

這首樂曲以仿如鯨魚歌聲的中提琴樂音拉開序幕,悠悠地訴說在1966年同時發生的故事:一個由美國發起保護鯨魚的運動,一首因樂思於(德國前東亞研究院院長)的協助而保存下來的賽夏族人歌聲<sisila ila ila>的故事。曲末,則是以三種歌聲互相對應、模仿而共同產生不同聲音的豐富對話。

sisila ila ila  (別離之歌) 把發生在同年代、同樣為留住一個美好信念而努力的不同事件結合在一起,除了象徵許多希望外,也試著探索不同事件並合為一的可能性。我想, 把「鯨魚的歌聲」、「一首古老原住民的歌聲」重生,並在今天的舞台上和代表西方音樂中提琴連結與互動,這該是一件多麼美好的事!