Twice Removed

for solo alto saxophone (2000), ca. 8’
for solo clarinet (2002), ca. 8’

for Solo Clarinet
PDF score


Twice Removed for solo alto saxophone 
Recording available here
Published by RCEditions

Twice Removed for solo clarinet
Recording available at Albany RecordsiTunes, and Amazon

Twice Removed for solo alto saxophone

Although the basic material of this piece was derived from the music I composed for Once Removed, a documentary film on culture and history of modern China (Julie Mallozzi), the music of Twice Removed is abstract and is focused on the studies of continuity and character transformations.  Commissioned by the Longy School of Music for its concert tribute to Elise Hall, America's first concert saxophonist, Twice Removed was premiered by Kenneth Radnofsky on March 12, 2000.

Twice Removed for solo clarinet

Although the basic material of this piece was derived from the music I composed for Once Removed, a documentary film on culture and history of modern China (Julie Mallozzi), the music of Twice Removed is abstract and is focused on the studies of continuity and character transformations.  The original version of Twice Removed was written for alto saxophone.  This version for solo clarinet is dedicated to Min-Ho Yeh who premiered the work at the University of Indiana in Bloomington.

懷鄉》 2000年哈佛大學教師Julie Mollozz導演以中國文化大革命為時代背景,拍攝了紀錄片《有朋自遠方來》,陳士惠則受邀為其配樂。由於對故事中所描的情境頗能感同深受,因此,在電影上演之後,陳士惠再從片中的主題出發,展伸了另一個較完整的樂曲--《懷鄉》。《懷鄉》並未碰觸任何文化大革命的實質內容,而是作者對那段中國近史的悲愴與感傷中,無意識地呈露了對台灣家鄉的懷念。